「未来を創り出す子」の育成〜山古志を最大限に活かした学校づくりの推進〜 ようこそ、山古志中学校ホームページへ!


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"Thanksgiving day is an American holiday.
It's on the 4th Thursday of November."
"4th Thursday of November..."
"Yes! Today is Thanksgiving day."

"What's that, Anne-sensei?"
"Oh,it's a turkey."
"We eat turkey on Thanksgiving day."
"Wow,it's so big!"

"Thanksgiving Desserts!"
"Yes. Pumpkin pie with whipped cream!"
"Wow! Looks delicious!"
"I'm hungry now!"
"That's because it's 4th period."

We learned the history of Thanksgiving day,too.
Let's give thanks for everything!

Halloween with Anne-sensei

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"Do you know Halloween?"
"Yes,I do."
"Halloween comes soon,right?
Today let's enjoy Halloween quiz!"

"When is Halloween? October...
A:29th, B:30th, C:31st."
"That's right! October 31st!"
"It's easy. Yeah!"

"How old is Halloween?
A:20 B:200 C:2000"
"I have no idea.200 years old?"
"No. The answer is 2000.
It is from Ireland."

It's a good time to touch other cultures.
Why don't you enjoy Halloween?
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