「未来を創り出す子」の育成〜山古志を最大限に活かした学校づくりの推進〜 ようこそ、山古志中学校ホームページへ!

Let's make quizzes!

画像1 画像1 画像2 画像2 画像3 画像3
"Look at this picture.
Tell us about one person using
three clear hints. OK?"
"OK! Can I discuss with my partner?"
"Yes,you can. Let's start!"

"Shall we choose the person in the gym?"
"Yes! This can be the first hint."
"How about the person who is dancing?"
"OK. She is wearing glasses."
"Right! We've made three hints!"

"Show your quize to classmates."
"Sure. Here we go!"
"The student is in the gym.
The student is dancing.
The student is wearing glasses."

"Oh,I got it. The student is Mike!."
"That's right."
"Nice eye contact and nice gesture!"
You made a nice speech and evaluation!
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