「未来を創り出す子」の育成〜山古志を最大限に活かした学校づくりの推進〜 ようこそ、山古志中学校ホームページへ!

Palm Reading!

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"Let's enjoy palm reading!"
"P...palm reading...?"
"Can you see the lines on the palm?"
"Yes. They'll tell you about your future!"

"This line is a Life Line."
"Oh,is it?"
"If it is long,you'll have a long life."
"And it is a Head Line...."
They leraned various lines on the palm.

"Let's tell your friends' future each other!"
"Do you know if I will have a long life?"
"Well...let me see..."
She checked it out carefully.
"Oh,yes! Your line is very long!"

They enjoyed telling the future each other.
And they got familiar with "indirect questions".
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