一心同体!青春全開!旭岡中学校!   校風「響き合う学校」〜挨拶が 歌声が 心と心が 響き合う〜 

Show & Tell

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"Look at this picture."
He is showing something now.
I'm curious. Let's check it out!

"Have you ever seen Kimono?"
"Yes,of course!"
"This is Japanese traditional clothes."

They tried to tell about Japanese culture.
Oh,she brought a beautiful Japanese doll!
I look forward to her "Show & Tell".

They showed good try and good communication.
And they really had a good time!

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2/5 小中交流会・入学説明会
2/8 全校朝会、ASC拡大評議員会、公立特色化選抜検査日
2/10 公立特色化選抜内定通知日
2/11 建国記念の日、1・2年生諸活動停止(〜18日)